Hardt Hyperloop Enters New Phase with Completion of European Hyperloop Center Test Track

With the completion of the test track at the European Hyperloop Center (EHC), a significant milestone is achieved. As the EHC is ready to use, it’s now time to start testing the various hyperloop technologies.

For Hardt Hyperloop this marks the start of a new phase with a focus on testing, validating, and further development of its technologies. To prepare for this new phase Hardt Hyperloop will re-align its workforce and resources with a sharp focus on the skills and competencies that are needed going forward.

With the strong support of its shareholders and investors, Hardt will continue at full speed with technology development, validation, and certification of the hyperloop vehicle and its associated technologies. In the development of these hyperloop technologies, Hardt will continue to partner on specifications and requirements to enable the ecosystem to further the joint development of the hyperloop and infrastructure. 

Hardt will continue to support the Hyperloop Development Program (HDP). In the engagement with the ecosystem, Hardt will take a leading role in supplying partners with its hyperloop and infrastructure IP and know-how, while focusing on the core tractive technologies that allow hyperloop to function.

For any press enquiries, please reach out to press@hardt.global


European Hyperloop Center Opens Up For The First Test